芸術科学会論文誌 投稿用カバーシート ■ 論文種類(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・原著論文 フルペーパー ■ 論文分野(1)〜3)のうちから一つ選択) 2) 科学系分野 ■ カテゴリ(1個以上選択) a-1) CG技術(モデリング) ■ 該当特集(以下のうちから一つ選択) ・一般論文 ■ 論文題名(和文、英文) Feature Extraction and Modification for Illustrating 3D Stone Tools from Unorganized Point Clouds ■ 著者名(和文、英文) Enkhbayar Altantsetseg Yuta Muraki Katsutsugu Matsuyama Fumito Chiba Kouichi Konno ■ 著者所属(和文、英文) 岩手大学 Iwate University ■ 著者e-mail bayar@lk.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp murakiyuta@lk.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp kmatsu@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp f-chiba@lang-co.jp konno@cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ■ 連絡担当者の氏名、住所、所属、電話、Fax、e-mail アルタンツェツェグ エンフバヤル 〒020-8551 岩手県盛岡市上田4-3-5 岩手大学工学部情報システム工学科 今野研究室 Tel: 019(621)6476 Fax: 019(621)6476 e-mail:bayar@lk.cis.iwate-u.ac.jp ■ 論文概要(和文400字程度、英文100ワード程度) This paper presents a method for extracting and modifying features for illustrating stone tools. Features are detected from unorganized point clouds obtained by a 3D laser scanner. The curvature of each point in the point clouds is estimated by local surface fitting algorithm and used for detecting potential feature points. Feature lines are extracted by directionally growing algorithm. Our directionally feature line growing method is accurate and simple to detect feature lines from unorganized point data. The main idea of our method is to extract feature lines using principal curvatures and principal directions of the potential feature points along the axis directions and to merge all extracted lines. In the illustration of stone tools, to maintain form and manufacturing information, it requires to modify the detected features by specific knowledge on illustrating stone tools. Using the power of data parallel computation on the GPU, our method can be accelerated multiple times. Finally, our experimental results are compared to the actual illustrations drawn by archaeological illustrators. ■ キーワード(和文5個程度、英文5個程度) feature extraction, feature modification, point clouds, stone tools, GPGPU