第19巻 第4号(Volume 19, No. 4)

The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 19, No. 4


Papers for "NICOGRAPH 2020" Journal Track

pp. 40-48

An Extension of Combinatorial Design of Petaloid Smocking via Regular Polygon Pasting

夛田美彩, 吉田哲也
Misa Tada, Tetsuya Yoshida

2020/6/19 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/3 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/10/2 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (2.86MB)

pp. 49-58

An Interactive Cartoon Generation System focusing on Difference among Multiple Cartoons

小松璃子, 伊藤貴之
Akiko Komatsu, Takayuki Itoh

2020/6/24 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/22 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/10/7 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (0.98MB)

pp. 59-66

Modeling of Ambiguous Tiling for Mold Casting

Kokichi Sugihara

2020/7/8 受付 (Submitted)
2020/8/20 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (10.92MB)

pp. 67-76

A projection mapping that is a collaboration between a cart with displays and an image on a floor

水野慎士, 榊原拓実
Shinji Mizuno, Takumi Sakakibara

2020/7/12 受付 (Submitted)
2020/9/25 再受付 (Re-submitted)
2020/10/7 採録 (Accepted)
カバーシート (Coversheet)
PDF論文 (Paper) (21.43MB)
コンテンツ動画ファイル (movファイル) (47.83MB)

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Last updated: 2020/11/1